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McArthur Gunter (Cosmos III) – Ⅰ

A Cosmic Sun: An Astronomical, Spatial and  Multidimensional Portrait of a Chinese Revolutionary        

          (Sun Yat-Sen)







Stirred by the magnificent zenith of the marvelous


Sagas of the Taiping Rebels dazzling and

Subversive aurora borealis display and in the romantic

Spirit of legendary monster-slayers of ancient epochs,

Sun Yat-sen was that providential Chung kuo “Morning

Star,” a chosen heavenly

Son born on the twelfth day of the

Sterling eleventh month of the “Moon of Falling Leaves”

Simultaneously the three hundredth and

Sixteenth day and the forty

Sixth Monday in the Year of the

Siberian tiger in the


Sixth year of the nineteenth century in

Synchronous timing with the

Steadfast celestial Leonid meteor

Showers from the eighteenth hundred and


Sixth Comet One.

Sun was the blessed

Son for the revolutionary

Second Coming of the New Golden Cultural Age

Surpassing the glorious resurrection of the

Stunning Tang New Morning to the

Swinging and foot


Syncopation of “Down

South Camp Meeting”!




Spatially and

Surrealistically dreaming and

Spacetraveling elliptically through the Zodiac at


Speed from interstellar

Space through time warps from the Fifth Dimension,


Surveyed the gepolitical landscape from the

Stratosphere like a mystic

Seer with telescopic divination equipped with

Specially geometrically

Shaped Kuomintang reflecting and refracting lenses in the

Strategic Four Directions and all

Seminal cardinal points in between. He

Startlingly witnessed the multidimensional cataclysms of

Social firestorms, political earthquakes, economic

Sand dunes, military tornadoes, imperial


Showers; moral fogs, ethical dust

Storms, philosophical quicksands, alien principles and

Spiritual maelstroms; monsoons of graft which

Stymied the people with

Scarlet hearts, patriotic ghosts, religious mirages,

Sporadic oases of courage;

Skeptical prophecies, holy apparitions, disassociated

States, punctured pride, immolated deeds, tortured

Solace, flammable families, lacerated love;



Sects, anemic happiness, anxious prophecies, nether

Séances, bleeding minds, pilloried peace, psychological

Sunspots, crucified





Secessions, radical visions, revolutionary daydreams;


Sellouts, hijacked Hong Kong held hostage,

Slit nobleness, neurotic dynasties, decapitated demonstrations,


Sermons, manic manifestos, rash reasoning,

Strangely feverish delicacies, raped innocence,


Scrolls, hysterical fortitude, delusory discipline;


Sages, phobic duty, melancholic dialogues,


Scholars, mangled metaohysics, mythic nightmares;


Shamefulness, terrorized honesty, hallucinatory dignity,


Scoundrels, pestilenced prudence, quartered merit,

Sabotaged justice, ruptured rights, gorged goodness,

Shangahied freedom, foreign finacnial locusts, fragile

Sleep patterns; and


Souls in deep gorges and rift valleys and on high mountain

Steppes and cliffs and innumerably lucid

Saffron bodies

Shaped like white lotus plants and

Straw-hued lakes with bloated and floating brains

Shaped like yellowish red poppies and other bodies and brains

Simulating tranced

States with the bodies exhaling and inhaling in cycles of

Seven out-of-body experiences in opium

Streams in an overall general, cultural

Shock of gas and dust resembling the turbulent

Solar remnant of a Crab Nebula or like the

Supervening impact from the

Serial bombardment of giant asteroids from the

Senior Oort Asteroid Belt to the


Syncopation of “Chimes Blues”.




Sun’s cum laude trust, magnum cum laude faith and

Summa cum laude love as mediums

Surged in a

Sapphire heart

Surrounded by a

Shimmering chrome-yellow corona; and like a neutron

Star pulsated electromagnetic wave messages of

Socialism as naturally nutritious as brown rice

Supported by Nationalism as indigenous as the

Stately giant panda and Democracy as

Salutatory and bountiful as the Yellow

Sea; and he promised to personally deliver those goods

Special delivery to the powerfully earthy and

Syncopated cornet rhythm of “Oriental






Smooth with the phantom-like weaves of a dynamic



Sun, by a



Successfully dodged the colossal  Qing Asteroid

Swung wildly and

Slyly from the outer limits of the

Stratosphere which originated from the



Station in the Union Jack


System during the “Moon of Changing


Sun presciently perceived it as a

Serene omen for his revolutionary coterie and

Service and Cosmic destiny like an entranced

Son endowed with a



Sense to the honey-combed cornet

Syncopation of the marvelously beautiful and hypnotic

“Sweet Like This”.




Sun, at the revolutionary age of thirty-nine when

Spun numerologically-mathematically according to the

Supreme laws of multiple factors equals the

Sum of three times thirteen or three thirteens and celestially

Seventy years after the mesmerically

Scenic visitation of the

Sequential eighteen hundred and thirty-five Halley’s Comet, was

Superbly transformed into a thermonuclear photon of

Sunlight accelerated into the magnitude of a

Superior nova and then exploded like a

Supernova during the relativity of a

Sequestered Chinese Midnight of Time and

Space periodically highlighted by the

Supernal meteor

Showers of the Boxer Rebellion and the Full Moon

Sacrificial bodies and

Souls of the May thirtieth Movement and their

Sudden astral projection plus the



Solar flares of the May Fourth Movement when the

Sonorous Golden Dragon was lotus-induced and nearly

Swallowed whole into an Octopus-fashioned black hole!

Smoldering from a

Sinister white-hot Western draft and design.  But

Superenergy from

Sun at perihelion vaporized and

Squelched the Anglo

Saxon concrete highways of the

Scrofulous foreign taskmasters whose pallid gamma

Space rays alternated between being cooler than the


Side of the Earth’s moon and colder than the polar ice cap

Scenes of Pluto to the polyphonic

Syncopation of

“Smokehouse Blues”.





Spacious vision, as a counterpoint to the Egyptian

Sun Ra, pointed magnetically from a

Singular compass for a

Sensory independence and equal international

Sovereignty for eons on phosphoric

Sienna blueprint on

Sino paper as genuine and as beautiful as fine yellow

Silk during the

Superfine nineteen hundred and twelve morning

Successfully following the

Spectral trail in the twilight zone of the

Sizzling visitation of the nineteen hundred and ten

Stupendous Halley’s Comet in the robustly rhapsodic and

Sacred powers of number

Seven exponentially to the boldly


Syncopated tenor

Saxaphone of “Body and





Sun altruistically and


Shoved aside any



Silk Robes of wealth and


Status and

Spectacularly engineered a Big Bang from a dialectical

Sun of liberation and life which totally eclipsed the

Shining Confucian model




Solar winds were more centrifugally forceful than

Smoky tons of gunpowder and more


Spellbinding than the

Spectroscopic tomes of the Confucian nova and to the


Syncopation of the


Saxaphone’s “Blue Horizon”.




Sun’s timely and timeless


Salve was like miraculous acuptuncture

Surgery performed with the dexterous

Skill of a master martial artist that revitalized

Salvation for a whole civilization from the

Soporiferous-infested Western butcherknife of a

Slicing and dissecting foreign matter which


Stung like a

Slaver’s rawhide whip and burned furiously like

Sulfuric acid from a

Smoky branding iron on the body and

Soul of the people from dawn time till noon time till

Sunset time till midnight time

Similar in

Scope to the appearance of a perpetual total lunar eclipse

Simulating motionlessness in a pitchblende

Sky.  The pain of that foreign memory is

Still a haunting

Spectre, a

Smoldering one like a nightmarish-looking

Scar to the revelatory

Syncopation of “Blue Blood Blues”.




Sun’s legacy of


Superconviction and

Supercourage which commenced with his too

Soon passing during the “Moon of

Snowblindness” on the twelfth day which was

Simultaneously the

Seventy-first day of the “Year of the Ox” of the

Sirenic twentieth century is like a luminous

Satellite perpetually in orbit


Sun traveled at the teleportational

Speed of light and arrived with the

Superlatively mathematical rhythm of the


Solstice, and in the


Spirit of Jeanne D’Arc who was the prophetic

Savior of France, and Ho Chi Minh who was the revolutionary

Savior of Vietnam, and Tsali who was the martyred

Savior of the Cherokee Nation, and Popé, the mystic

Savior of the Puebelo Nation, and Henrie B. Lowrie, the firepowered

Savior of the Lumbee Nation, and Osceola, the revered

Savior of the Seminole Nation, and Louis Riel, the messianic

Savior of the Métis Nation,



Saga will orbit for light years and will be more

Splendid than an ascent to the

Summit of the Changbai Mountains and

Staking them with gems more valuable than Pa

Sapa’s gold, more precious than the

South African diamond, more

Sparkling than the Comstock

Silver and as ageless as the

Seraphic Egyptian pyramids and more majestically

Strategic than the immensely

Studied length, width and height of the Great Wall, one of the

Seven Wonders of the world to the


Syncopation of the exuberant

“Sweethearts on Parade”.